declare @x int @y int @z int
select @x = 1 @y = 2 @z=3
if @x > @y
print 'x > y' --打印字符串'x > y'
else if @y > @z
print 'y > z'
else print 'z > y'
use pangu
update employee
set e_wage =
when job_level = ’1’ then e_wage*1.08
when job_level = ’2’ then e_wage*1.07
when job_level = ’3’ then e_wage*1.06
else e_wage*1.05
declare @x int @y int @c int
select @x = 1 @y=1
while @x < 3
print @x --打印变量x 的值
while @y < 3
select @c = 100*@x + @y
print @c --打印变量c 的值
select @y = @y + 1
select @x = @x + 1
select @y = 1
--例 等待1 小时2 分零3 秒后才执行SELECT 语句
waitfor delay ’01:02:03’
select * from employee
--例 等到晚上11 点零8 分后才执行SELECT 语句
waitfor time ’23:08:00’
select * from employee
select *(列名) from table_name(表名) where column_name operator value
ex : (宿主)
select * from stock_information where stockid = str(nid)
stockname = 'str_name'
stockname like '% find this %'
stockname like '[a-zA-Z]%' --------- ([]指定值的范围)
stockname like '[^F-M]%' --------- (^排除指定范围)
--------- 只能在使用like关键字的where子句中使用通配符)
or stockpath = 'stock_path'
or stocknumber < 1000
and stockindex = 24
not stock*** = 'man'
stocknumber between 20 and 100
stocknumber in(10,20,30)
order by stockid desc(asc) --------- 排序,desc-降序,asc-升序
order by 1,2 --------- by列号
stockname = (select stockname from stock_information where stockid = 4)
--------- 子查询
--------- 除非能确保内层select只返回一个行的值,
--------- 否则应在外层where子句中用一个in限定符
select distinct column_name form table_name --------- distinct指定检索独有的列值,不重复
select stocknumber ,"stocknumber + 10" = stocknumber + 10 from table_name
select stockname , "stocknumber" = count(*) from table_name group by stockname
--------- group by 将表按行分组,指定列中有相同的值
having count(*) = 2 --------- having选定指定的组
select *
from table1, table2
where table1.id *= table2.id -------- 左外部连接,table1中有的而table2中没有得以null表示
table1.id =* table2.id -------- 右外部连接
select stockname from table1
union [all] ----- union合并查询结果集,all-保留重复行
select stockname from table2
insert into table_name (Stock_name,Stock_number) value ("xxx","xxxx")
value (select Stockname , Stocknumber from Stock_table2)---value为select语句