java完整2D游戏连载--part2 (单位基本类)
2015-5-7 23:21
java完整2D游戏连载--part2 (单位基本类)
接第一篇 java完整2D游戏连载--part1(所有代码均为自主完成)
Unit.java(单位基本类,包括怪物 人物 NPC)
package project2;
* Ab class for all units
* author: weiqian wang<wangw>
* */
import java.util.EnumMap;
import org.newdawn.slick.Color;
import org.newdawn.slick.Graphics;
import org.newdawn.slick.Image;
public abstract class Unit implements GameObject {
/** The item's position in the world */
protected double x, y;
/** The unit's name */
protected String name;
// Unit STATS
/** 100% of the unit's health */
protected double maxHealth = 100;
/** The unit's current health */
protected double health = maxHealth;
/** The unit's strength, determines damage */
protected double strength;
/** The minimum time between attacks (ms) */
protected int cooldown;
/** The time until the next attack can be made (ms) */
protected int cooldownTimer = 0;
/** The minimum time between attacks (ms) */
protected int icooldown = 600;
/** The unit's movement speed */
protected double SPEED = 0.25;
/** The range in which the unit can attack enemies */
protected int attackRange = 50;
/** The Image object representing the object in the world */
protected Image avatar = null;
/** The physical width of the avatar (trimmed avatar width) */
protected int physWidth;
/** The physical height of the avatar (trimmed avatar height) */
protected int physHeight;
/** The width of the floating health bar */
protected float healthBarWidth;
/** The height of the floating health bar */
protected final float healthBarHeight = 16;
/** Whether to flip the image or not. */
private boolean face_left = false;
/** Mapping of types of bonuses to the unit's current value for that bonus */
protected EnumMap<Bonus.Type, Double> bonuses;
/** The inventory held by the unit */
protected Inventory inventory = new Inventory();
private double dirx;
private double diry;
/** Move the player in a given direction.
* Prevents the player from moving outside the map space, and also updates
* the direction the player is facing.
* @param world The world the player is on (to check blocking).
* @param dir_x The player's movement in the x axis (-1, 0 or 1).
* @param dir_y The player's movement in the y axis (-1, 0 or 1).
* @param delta Time passed since last frame (milliseconds).
public Unit(){
// Initilialise the bonuses
this.bonuses = new EnumMap<Bonus.Type, Double>(Bonus.Type.class);
for (Bonus.Type type : Bonus.Type.values())
this.bonuses.put(type, 0.0);
public void move(World world, double newX, double newY, double delta)
// Check for collisions only if clipping is on
//if (!noclip)
// Move the unit only if the new tile is unblocked
if (!world.terrainBlocks(newX, this.y)
&& !world.isUnitBlocked(this, newX, this.y))
// Check if the player has changed direction
double dirX = (newX - this.getX());
dirx = dirX;
diry = (newY - this.getY());
// If last move was to the left and now moving right
if (face_left && dirX > 0)
face_left = false;
// Set the avatar back to unflipped
this.avatar = (this.getAvatar().getFlippedCopy(true, false));
// If last move was to the right and now moving left
else if (!face_left && dirX < 0)
face_left = true;
// Set the avatar back to unflipped
this.avatar = (this.getAvatar().getFlippedCopy(true, false));
// Update position
this.x = newX;
if (!world.terrainBlocks(this.x, newY)
&& !world.isUnitBlocked(this, this.x, newY))
// Update position
this.y = newY;
* @return the avatar
public Image getAvatar() {
return avatar;
* Render the unit in the game world, reflecting his new state.
* @param g
* The Slick graphics object, used for drawing.
// @Override
public void render(Graphics g) {
// Draw the player at his real world co-ordinates (translated graphics)
if (face_left) {
(float) (getX() - this.getAvatar().getWidth() / 2),
(float) (getY() - this.getAvatar().getHeight() / 2));
} else {
(float) getX() - this.getAvatar().getWidth() / 2,
(float) getY() - this.getAvatar().getHeight() / 2);
* @return the x
public double getX() {
return x;
* @return the y
public double getY() {
return y;
* Render non-avatar details (health bar)
* @param g
* The graphics device to draw with
public void renderSecondary(Graphics g) {
if (!(this instanceof Player)) {
* Renders a floating health box above the unit with the unit's name and
* health representation
* @param g
* The graphics object to draw with.
public void renderHealthBox(Graphics g) {
// Colours for drawing
// Color LABEL = new Color(0.9f, 0.9f, 0.4f); // Gold
Color VALUE = new Color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); // White
Color BAR_BG = new Color(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.8f); // Black, transp
Color BAR = new Color(0.8f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.8f); // Red, transp
// Font for drawing
// g.setFont(world.getLabelFont());
// Set the width of the health bar based on the unit's name
this.healthBarWidth = Math.max(70,
g.getFont().getWidth(this.getName()) + 6);
// Draw the health bar
float barX = (float) this.getX() - healthBarWidth / 2;
float barY = (float) this.getY() - this.getPhysHeight() / 2
- healthBarHeight - 5;
g.fillRect(barX, barY, healthBarWidth, healthBarHeight);
g.fillRect(barX, barY,
(healthBarWidth * ((float) getHealth() / getMaxHealth())),
// Draw name text (in white)
float textX = barX
+ (healthBarWidth - g.getFont().getWidth(this.getName())) / 2;
float textY = barY
+ (healthBarHeight - g.getFont().getHeight(this.getName())) / 2;
g.drawString(this.getName(), textX, textY);
* @return the maxHealth
public int getMaxHealth() {
return (int) (maxHealth + bonuses.get(Bonus.Type.MAXHP));
* @return the health
public int getHealth() {
return (int) (health);
* @return the bonuses
public EnumMap<Bonus.Type, Double> getBonuses() {
return bonuses;
* @return the physWidth
public int getPhysWidth() {
return physWidth;
* @return the physHeight
public int getPhysHeight() {
return physHeight;
* @return the name
public String getName() {
return name;
* @param health
* the health to set
public void setHealth(double health) {
this.health = health;
* @return the cooldownTimer
public int getCooldownTimer() {
return cooldownTimer;
* Attack another unit, dealing damage and resetting the cooldown timer
* @param target
* The unit to attack
public void attack(Unit target) {
if (cooldownTimer <= 0) {
// Calculate how much damage to do
double min, max, damage;
min = 0;
max = this.getMaxDamage();
damage = min + (int) (Math.random() * (max - min));
// Deal the damage
if (this.face_left) {
} else {
// Reduce cooldown
this.cooldownTimer = this.cooldown;
* Gets the maximum damage done by the unit's weapon.
* @return The maximum damage done by the unit's weapon
public double getMaxDamage() {
double damage = this.strength+ this.getBonuses().get(Bonus.Type.DAMAGE);;
return damage;
* Deal damage to the unit
* @param damage
* Amount of health to subtract
public void damage(double damage) {
this.health -= damage;
* @param cooldown
* the cooldown to add
public void increaseCooldown(int cooldown)
this.cooldown += cooldown;
* @return the attackRange
public double getAttackRange()
return attackRange;
* @return the inventory
public Inventory getInventory()
return inventory;
* Adjust the value of one of the unit's bonuses
* @param type
* The bonus to adjust
* @param amount
* How much to adjust the bonus by
public void adjustBonus(Bonus.Type type, double amount)
this.getBonuses().put(type, this.getBonuses().get(type) + amount);
if (type == Bonus.Type.MAXHP && getHealth() > getMaxHealth())
System.out.println(getName() + " adjusted " + type + " by " + amount);
public double getdir_x(){
return dirx;
public double getdir_y(){
return diry;
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2015-5-7 23:21 上传
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