标题: 【上海校区】吴恩达机器学习 笔记四 BP神经网络 [打印本页]
作者: 不二晨 时间: 2018-9-9 10:43
标题: 【上海校区】吴恩达机器学习 笔记四 BP神经网络
1. 神经网络比较重点的几个地方1.1 变换坐标 其实确切的原因是因为各层之间权值组成的矩阵对坐标系进行了改变,比如,旋转,拉伸,降维。具体可以参考我的另外一篇关于矩阵的文章,传送门在此
1.2 激活函数 软饱和的激活函数可以将直线掰弯。矩阵操作线性的,但是经过激活函数之后就可以非线性。
1.3 反向传播的是误差 每个权重的梯度都等于与其相连的前一层节点的输出乘以与其相连的后一层的反向传播的输出(包含误差)
2. tensorflow实现BP神经网络的拟合'''Author : vivalazxpDate : 9/2/2018Description : neural network non_linear regression'''import tensorflow as tfimport numpy as npimport matplotlib.pyplot as plt'''Description : create data for neural network non-linear regressionParam : numData number of training data sigma power of noise horizon_limit horizontal limitReturn : horizon_data horizontal axis shape=(1,numData) vertical_data vertical axis shape=(1,numData) '''def create_data_nn_non_lin_reg(numData,sigma, horizon_limit): horizon_data = horizon_limit * 2*(np.random.rand(numData)-0.5)[np.newaxis, :] vertical_data = np.sin(horizon_data) # add noise vertical_data = vertical_data + sigma*np.random.rand(numData) print('-------------- create data sucessfully --------------') return horizon_data, vertical_data'''Description : add one neural network layerParam : @input_data input data @input_size number of neurons in the input layer @output_size number of nuerons in the output layerReturn : @Weight weight of the layer added @Bias bias of the layer added @output_data output of the layer added'''def add_layer(input_data, input_size, output_size, activation_function): Weight = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([output_size, input_size])) Bias = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([output_size, 1])) WX_plus_B = tf.matmul(Weight, input_data) + Bias if activation_function == None: ouput_data = WX_plus_B else: ouput_data = activation_function(WX_plus_B) print('------------- add one nn layer sucessfully --------------') return Weight, Bias, ouput_data'''Description : use tensorflow to complete neural network with nonlinear regressionParam : @hid_layer_size number of neurons in the hidden layer @out_layer_size number of neurons in the output layer @alpha learning rate @steps sum learning stepsReturn : @Weight_hid weight of the hidden layer @Weight_out weight of the output layer @Bias_hid bias of the hidded layer @Bias_out bias of the output layer @loss cost variation in the training'''def tf_nn_clas(horizon_data, vertical_data, in_layer_size, hid_layer_size, out_layer_size, alpha, stpes): horizon_from_data = tf.placeholder(tf.float32) vertical_from_data = tf.placeholder(tf.float32) # hidder layer, sigmoid activate function Weight_hid, Bias_hid, out_hid = add_layer(horizon_from_data, in_layer_size, hid_layer_size, activation_function=tf.nn.sigmoid) # output layer, no activate function Weight_out, Bias_out, class_pred = add_layer(out_hid, hid_layer_size, out_layer_size, activation_function=None) # cost and optimizer cost = tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(vertical_from_data - class_pred)) optimizer = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(alpha).minimize(cost) # session sess = tf.Session() init = tf.global_variables_initializer() sess.run(init) print('----------train started------------') loss = np.zeros(steps) for step in range(steps): sess.run(optimizer, feed_dict={horizon_from_data:horizon_data, vertical_from_data:vertical_data}) loss[step] = sess.run(cost, feed_dict={horizon_from_data:horizon_data, vertical_from_data:vertical_data}) print('-----------train completed---------------') Weight_hid = sess.run(Weight_hid) Weight_out = sess.run(Weight_out) Bias_hid = sess.run(Bias_hid) Bias_out = sess.run(Bias_out) return Weight_hid ,Weight_out, Bias_hid, Bias_out, lossdef sigmoid(x): return 1 / (1 + np.exp(-x))if __name__ == "__main__": numData = 1000 sigma = 1 horizon_limit = 3 alpha = 0.2 steps = 2000 dynam = 5 in_layer_size = 1 out_layer_size = 1 hid_layer_size = np.ceil(np.sqrt(in_layer_size+out_layer_size)).astype(np.int32) + dynam horizon_data, vertical_data = create_data_nn_non_lin_reg(numData, sigma, horizon_limit) Weight_hid, Weight_out, Bias_hid, Bias_out, loss = tf_nn_clas(horizon_data,vertical_data,in_layer_size, hid_layer_size,out_layer_size,alpha,steps) # regression curve plt.figure(1) num_fitting = 200 horizon_fit = np.linspace(-horizon_limit, horizon_limit, num_fitting)[np.newaxis,:] vertical_fit = np.zeros(num_fitting) output_hid = sigmoid(Weight_hid*horizon_fit + np.tile(Bias_hid,(1,num_fitting))) vertical_fit = np.matmul(Weight_out, output_hid) + np.tile(Bias_out,(1,num_fitting)) plt.scatter(horizon_data, vertical_data, marker='o', label='training data') plt.plot(horizon_fit[0,:], vertical_fit[0,:], 'r', label='regression line') plt.legend() plt.xlabel('horizontal axis') plt.ylabel('vertical axis') plt.title('nn non linear regression') # cost variation plt.figure(2) plt.plot(range(steps), loss) plt.xlabel('step') plt.ylabel('loss') plt.title('loss variation in nn non linear regression') plt.show()- 1
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3. tensorflow实现BP神经网络的二分类'''Author : vivalazxpDate : 9/2/2018Description : neural network non_linear regression'''import tensorflow as tfimport numpy as npimport matplotlib.pyplot as plt'''Description : create data for neural network classificationParam : numData number of training data vertical_limit power of noise horizon_limit horizontal limitReturn : axis_data horizontal and vertical axis shape=(2,numData) class_data vertical axis shape=(numData,) '''def create_data_nn_clas(numData, vertical_limit, horizon_limit): axis_data = np.zeros([2,numData]) axis_data[0,:] = horizon_limit * 2*(np.random.rand(numData)-0.5) axis_data[1,:] = vertical_limit * 2*(np.random.rand(numData) - 0.5) class_data = np.zeros(numData) for index in range(numData): if np.sin(axis_data[0,index]) - axis_data[1,index] > 0: class_data[index] = 1 plt.scatter(axis_data[0,index],axis_data[1,index],c='g') else: class_data[index] = 0 plt.scatter(axis_data[0, index], axis_data[1, index], c='b') print('-------------- create data sucessfully --------------') return axis_data, class_data'''Description : add one neural network layerParam : @input_data input_data data @input_size size of input_data @output_size size of output'''def add_layer(input_data, input_size, output_size, activation_function): Weight = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([output_size, input_size])) Bias = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([output_size, 1])) WX_plus_B = tf.matmul(Weight, input_data) + Bias if activation_function == None: ouput_data = WX_plus_B else: ouput_data = activation_function(WX_plus_B) print('------------- add one nn layer sucessfully --------------') return Weight, Bias, ouput_data'''Description : use tensorflow to complete neural network classificationParam : @hid_layer_size number of neurons in the hidden layer @out_layer_size number of neurons in the output layer @alpha learning rate @steps sum learning stepsReturn : @Weight_hid weight of the hidden layer @Weight_out weight of the output layer @Bias_hid bias of the hidded layer @Bias_out bias of the output layer @loss cost variation in the training'''def tf_nn_clas(axis_data, class_data, in_layer_size, hid_layer_size, out_layer_size, alpha, stpes): axis_from_data = tf.placeholder(tf.float32) class_from_data = tf.placeholder(tf.float32) # hidder layer, sigmoid activate function Weight_hid, Bias_hid, out_hid = add_layer(axis_from_data, in_layer_size, hid_layer_size, activation_function=tf.nn.sigmoid) # output layer, no activate function Weight_out, Bias_out, class_pred = add_layer(out_hid, hid_layer_size, out_layer_size, activation_function=tf.nn.sigmoid) # cost and optimizer cost = tf.reduce_mean(- class_from_data * tf.log(class_pred) \ - (1 - class_from_data) * tf.log(1 - class_pred)) optimizer = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(alpha).minimize(cost) # session sess = tf.Session() init = tf.global_variables_initializer() sess.run(init) print('----------train started------------') loss = np.zeros(steps) for step in range(steps): sess.run(optimizer, feed_dict={axis_from_data:axis_data, class_from_data:class_data}) loss[step] = sess.run(cost, feed_dict={axis_from_data:axis_data, class_from_data:class_data}) if step % 500 == 0: print(step) print('-----------train completed---------------') Weight_hid = sess.run(Weight_hid) Weight_out = sess.run(Weight_out) Bias_hid = sess.run(Bias_hid) Bias_out = sess.run(Bias_out) return Weight_hid ,Weight_out, Bias_hid, Bias_out, lossdef sigmoid(x): return 1 / (1 + np.exp(-x))if __name__ == "__main__": numData = 1000 vertical_limit = 2 horizon_limit = 3 alpha = 1 steps = 2000 neur_dynam = 5 in_layer_size = 2 out_layer_size = 1 hid_layer_size = np.ceil(np.sqrt(in_layer_size+out_layer_size)).astype(np.int32) + neur_dynam axis_data, class_data = create_data_nn_clas(numData, vertical_limit, horizon_limit) Weight_hid, Weight_out, Bias_hid, Bias_out, loss = tf_nn_clas(axis_data,class_data,in_layer_size, hid_layer_size,out_layer_size,alpha,steps) # classification curve num_clas = 200 horizon_clas = np.linspace(-horizon_limit, horizon_limit, num_clas) vertical_tmp = np.linspace(-vertical_limit, vertical_limit, num_clas) vertical_clas = np.zeros(num_clas) for index_horiz in range(num_clas): for index_verti in range(num_clas): input = np.array([horizon_clas[index_horiz],vertical_tmp[index_verti]])[:,np.newaxis] ouput_hid = sigmoid(np.matmul(Weight_hid, input) + Bias_hid) output = np.matmul(Weight_out,ouput_hid) + Bias_out if output > -0.2 and output < 0.2: vertical_clas[index_horiz] = vertical_tmp[index_verti] continue plt.plot(horizon_clas, vertical_clas, 'r', label='classification line') plt.legend() plt.xlabel('horizontal axis') plt.ylabel('vertical axis') plt.title('nn classification') # cost variation plt.figure() plt.plot(range(steps), loss) plt.xlabel('step') plt.ylabel('loss') plt.title('loss variation in nn classification') plt.show()- 1
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作者: 不二晨 时间: 2018-9-13 16:27
作者: 不二晨 时间: 2018-9-20 17:28
作者: loir1216 时间: 2018-9-20 21:18
作者: 魔都黑马少年梦 时间: 2018-11-1 16:48
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