Operator | Operand types | Description |
[size=7.5000pt]A <> B | [size=7.5000pt]All primitive types | [size=7.5000pt]NULL if A or B is NULL, TRUE if expression A is NOT equal to expression B, otherwise FALSE. [size=7.5000pt]不等于 |
[size=7.5000pt]A != B | [size=7.5000pt]All primitive types | [size=7.5000pt]Synonym for the <> operator. |
[size=7.5000pt]A [NOT] BETWEEN B AND C | [size=7.5000pt]All primitive types | [size=7.5000pt]NULL if A, B or C is NULL, TRUE if A is greater than or equal to B AND A less than or equal to C, otherwise FALSE. This can be inverted by using the NOT keyword. (As of version [size=7.5000pt]0.9.0.) [size=12.0000pt]等价于 a>=b and a<=c |
[size=7.5000pt]A IS NULL | [size=7.5000pt]All types | [size=7.5000pt]TRUE if expression A evaluates to NULL, otherwise FALSE. |
[size=7.5000pt]A IS NOT NULL | [size=7.5000pt]All types | [size=7.5000pt]FALSE if expression A evaluates to NULL, otherwise TRUE. |
[size=7.5000pt]A [NOT] LIKE B | [size=7.5000pt]strings | [size=7.5000pt]NULL if A or B is NULL, TRUE if string A matches the SQL simple regular expression B, otherwise FALSE. The comparison is done character by character. The _ character in B matches any character in A (similar to . in posix regular expressions) while the % character in B matches an arbitrary number of characters in A (similar to .* in posix regular expressions). For example, 'foobar' like 'foo' evaluates to FALSE whereas 'foobar' like 'foo_ _ _' evaluates to TRUE and so does 'foobar' like 'foo%'. |
[size=7.5000pt]A RLIKE B | [size=7.5000pt]strings | [size=7.5000pt]NULL if A or B is NULL, TRUE if any (possibly empty) substring of A matches the Java regular expression B, otherwise FALSE. For example, 'foobar' RLIKE 'foo' evaluates to TRUE and so does 'foobar' RLIKE '^f.*r$'. [size=9.0000pt]JAVA的LIKE操作[size=9.0000pt] 正则匹配[size=9.0000pt]: RLIKE [size=9.0000pt]where '123456' rlike '^\\d+$' |
[size=7.5000pt]A REGEXP B | [size=7.5000pt]strings | [size=7.5000pt]Same as RLIKE. [size=9.0000pt]REGEXP操作: REGEXP[size=9.0000pt] [size=9.0000pt]功能与RLIKE相同 [size=9.0000pt]where ‘key' REGEXP '^f.*r$'; |
Operator | Operand types | Description |
[size=7.5000pt]A AND B | [size=7.5000pt]boolean | [size=7.5000pt]TRUE if both A and B are TRUE, otherwise FALSE. NULL if A or B is NULL. |
[size=7.5000pt]A OR B | [size=7.5000pt]boolean | [size=7.5000pt]TRUE if either A or B or both are TRUE, FALSE OR NULL is NULL, otherwise FALSE. |
[size=7.5000pt]NOT A | [size=7.5000pt]boolean | [size=7.5000pt]TRUE if A is FALSE or NULL if A is NULL. Otherwise FALSE. |
[size=7.5000pt]! A | [size=7.5000pt]boolean | [size=7.5000pt]Same as NOT A. |
[size=7.5000pt]A IN (val1, val2, ...) | [size=7.5000pt]boolean | [size=7.5000pt]TRUE if A is equal to any of the values. As of Hive 0.13 [size=7.5000pt]subqueries are supported in IN statements. |
[size=7.5000pt]A NOT IN (val1, val2, ...) | [size=7.5000pt]boolean | [size=7.5000pt]TRUE if A is not equal to any of the values. As of Hive 0.13 [size=7.5000pt]subqueries are supported in NOT IN statements. |
[size=7.5000pt][NOT] EXISTS (subquery) | [size=7.5000pt] | [size=7.5000pt]TRUE if the the subquery returns at least one row. Supported as of [size=7.5000pt]Hive 0.13. [size=7.5000pt]e[size=7.5000pt]xists的子查询(当exists后的子查询,至少可以查出一条数据时,exists条件成立) [size=7.5000pt]select * from classes where exists (SELECT cno FROM student WHERE birthday > [size=7.5000pt] [size=7.5000pt]'1991-01-01'); |
Operator | Operand types | Description |
[size=7.5000pt]A || B | [size=7.5000pt]strings | [size=7.5000pt]Concatenates the operands - shorthand for [size=7.5000pt]concat(A,B)[size=7.5000pt] . Supported as of [size=7.5000pt]Hive 2.2.0. [size=12.0000pt]字符串拼接 |
Return Type | Name (Signature) | Description |
[size=7.5000pt]DOUBLE | [size=7.5000pt]round(DOUBLE a) | [size=7.5000pt]Returns the rounded [size=7.5000pt]BIGINT[size=7.5000pt] value of [size=7.5000pt]a[size=7.5000pt]. |
[size=7.5000pt]DOUBLE | [size=7.5000pt]round(DOUBLE a, INT d) | [size=7.5000pt]Returns [size=7.5000pt]a[size=7.5000pt] rounded to [size=7.5000pt]d[size=7.5000pt] decimal places. |
[size=7.5000pt]BIGINT | [size=7.5000pt]floor(DOUBLE a) | [size=7.5000pt]Returns the maximum [size=7.5000pt]BIGINT[size=7.5000pt] value that is equal to or less than [size=7.5000pt]a[size=7.5000pt]. [size=7.5000pt]向下取整 |
[size=7.5000pt]BIGINT | [size=7.5000pt]ceil(DOUBLE a), ceiling(DOUBLE a) | [size=7.5000pt]Returns the minimum BIGINT value that is equal to or greater than [size=7.5000pt]a[size=7.5000pt]. [size=7.5000pt]向上取整 |
[size=7.5000pt]DOUBLE | [size=7.5000pt]rand(), rand(INT seed) | [size=7.5000pt]Returns a random number (that changes from row to row) that is distributed uniformly from 0 to 1. Specifying the seed will make sure the generated random number sequence is deterministic. |
[size=7.5000pt]DOUBLE | [size=7.5000pt]pow(DOUBLE a, DOUBLE p), power(DOUBLE a, DOUBLE p) | [size=7.5000pt]Returns [size=7.5000pt]a[size=7.5000pt]p[size=7.5000pt]. |
[size=7.5000pt]DOUBLE | [size=7.5000pt]abs(DOUBLE a) | [size=7.5000pt]Returns the absolute value. |
[size=7.5000pt]INT or DOUBLE | [size=7.5000pt]negative(INT a), negative(DOUBLE a) | [size=7.5000pt]Returns [size=7.5000pt]-a[size=7.5000pt]. |
[size=7.5000pt]T | [size=7.5000pt]greatest(T v1, T v2, ...) | |
[size=7.5000pt]T | [size=7.5000pt]least(T v1, T v2, ...) |
Return Type | Name(Signature) | Description |
[size=7.5000pt]int | [size=7.5000pt]size(Map<K.V>) | [size=7.5000pt]Returns the number of elements in the map type. |
[size=7.5000pt]int | [size=7.5000pt]size(Array<T>) | [size=7.5000pt]Returns the number of elements in the array type. |
[size=7.5000pt]array<K> | [size=7.5000pt]map_keys(Map<K.V>) | [size=7.5000pt]Returns an unordered array containing the keys of the input map. |
[size=7.5000pt]array<V> | [size=7.5000pt]map_values(Map<K.V>) | [size=7.5000pt]Returns an unordered array containing the values of the input map. |
[size=7.5000pt]boolean | [size=7.5000pt]array_contains(Array<T>, value) | [size=7.5000pt]Returns TRUE if the array contains value. |
[size=7.5000pt]array<t> | [size=7.5000pt]sort_array(Array<T>) | [size=7.5000pt]Sorts the input array in ascending order according to the natural ordering of the array elements and returns it (as of version [size=7.5000pt]0.9.0). |
Return Type | Name(Signature) | Description |
Expected "=" to follow "type" | [size=7.5000pt]cast(expr as <type>) | [size=7.5000pt]Converts the results of the expression expr to <type>. For example, cast('1' as BIGINT) will convert the string '1' to its integral representation. A null is returned if the conversion does not succeed. If cast(expr as boolean) Hive returns true for a non-empty string. [size=7.5000pt]类型转换 SELECT CAST('2000-01-01' AS DATE) from dual |
Return Type | Name(Signature) | Description |
pre 2.1.0:[size=7.5000pt] string 2.1.0 on:[size=7.5000pt] date | [size=7.5000pt]to_date(string timestamp) | [size=7.5000pt]Returns the date part of a timestamp string (pre-Hive 2.1.0): to_date("1970-01-01 00:00:00") = "1970-01-01". As of Hive 2.1.0, returns a date object. [size=7.5000pt]Prior to Hive 2.1.0 ([size=7.5000pt]HIVE-13248) the return type was a String because no Date type existed when the method was created. [size=12.0000pt]日期字符串->日期类型 |
[size=7.5000pt]int | [size=7.5000pt]year(string date) | [size=7.5000pt]Returns the year part of a date or a timestamp string: year("1970-01-01 00:00:00") = 1970, year("1970-01-01") = 1970. [size=7.5000pt]获取年份 |
[size=7.5000pt]int | [size=7.5000pt]quarter(date/timestamp/string) | [size=7.5000pt]Returns the quarter of the year for a date, timestamp, or string in the range 1 to 4 (as of Hive [size=7.5000pt]1.3.0). Example: quarter('2015-04-08') = 2. |
[size=7.5000pt]int | [size=7.5000pt]month(string date) | [size=7.5000pt]Returns the month part of a date or a timestamp string: month("1970-11-01 00:00:00") = 11, month("1970-11-01") = 11. |
[size=7.5000pt]int | [size=7.5000pt]day(string date) dayofmonth(date) | [size=7.5000pt]Returns the day part of a date or a timestamp string: day("1970-11-01 00:00:00") = 1, day("1970-11-01") = 1. |
[size=7.5000pt]int | [size=7.5000pt]hour(string date) | [size=7.5000pt]Returns the hour of the timestamp: hour('2009-07-30 12:58:59') = 12, hour('12:58:59') = 12. |
[size=7.5000pt]int | [size=7.5000pt]minute(string date) | [size=7.5000pt]Returns the minute of the timestamp. |
[size=7.5000pt]int | [size=7.5000pt]second(string date) | [size=7.5000pt]Returns the second of the timestamp. |
[size=7.5000pt]int | [size=7.5000pt]weekofyear(string date) | [size=7.5000pt]Returns the week number of a timestamp string: weekofyear("1970-11-01 00:00:00") = 44, weekofyear("1970-11-01") = 44. |
[size=7.5000pt]int | [size=7.5000pt]extract(field FROM source) | [size=7.5000pt]Retrieve fields such as days or hours from source (as of Hive [size=7.5000pt]2.2.0). Source must be a date, timestamp, interval or a string that can be converted into either a date or timestamp. Supported fields include: day, dayofweek, hour, minute, month, quarter, second, week and year. [size=7.5000pt]Examples: [size=7.5000pt]select extract(month from "2016-10-20") results in 10. [size=7.5000pt]select extract(hour from "2016-10-20 05:06:07") results in 5. [size=7.5000pt]select extract(dayofweek from "2016-10-20 05:06:07") results in 5. [size=7.5000pt]select extract(month from interval '1-3' year to month) results in 3. [size=7.5000pt]select extract(minute from interval '3 12:20:30' day to second) results in 20. [size=7.5000pt]截取指定的年/月/日/。。。。 |
[size=7.5000pt]int | [size=7.5000pt]datediff(string enddate, string startdate) | [size=7.5000pt]Returns the number of days from startdate to enddate: datediff('2009-03-01', '2009-02-27') = 2. [size=7.5000pt]日期相差天数 |
pre 2.1.0:[size=7.5000pt] string 2.1.0 on:[size=7.5000pt] date | [size=7.5000pt]date_add(date/timestamp/string startdate, tinyint/smallint/int days) | [size=7.5000pt]Adds a number of days to startdate: date_add('2008-12-31', 1) = '2009-01-01'. [size=7.5000pt]Prior to Hive 2.1.0 ([size=7.5000pt]HIVE-13248) the return type was a String because no Date type existed when the method was created. [size=12.0000pt]给日期增加天数 负数减少天数 |
pre 2.1.0:[size=7.5000pt] string 2.1.0 on:[size=7.5000pt] date | [size=7.5000pt]date_sub(date/timestamp/string startdate, tinyint/smallint/int days) | [size=7.5000pt]Subtracts a number of days to startdate: date_sub('2008-12-31', 1) = '2008-12-30'. [size=7.5000pt]Prior to Hive 2.1.0 ([size=7.5000pt]HIVE-13248) the return type was a String because no Date type existed when the method was created. |
[size=7.5000pt]date | [size=7.5000pt]current_date | [size=7.5000pt]Returns the current date at the start of query evaluation (as of Hive [size=7.5000pt]1.2.0). All calls of current_date within the same query return the same value. [size=12.0000pt]当前日期 |
[size=7.5000pt]timestamp | [size=7.5000pt]current_timestamp | [size=7.5000pt]Returns the current timestamp at the start of query evaluation (as of Hive [size=7.5000pt]1.2.0). All calls of current_timestamp within the same query return the same value. |
[size=7.5000pt]string | [size=7.5000pt]add_months(string start_date, int num_months, [size=7.5000pt][output_date_format][size=7.5000pt]) | [size=7.5000pt]Returns the date that is num_months after start_date (as of Hive [size=7.5000pt]1.1.0). start_date is a string, date or timestamp. num_months is an integer. If start_date is the last day of the month or if the resulting month has fewer days than the day component of start_date, then the result is the last day of the resulting month. Otherwise, the result has the same day component as start_date. The default output format is 'yyyy-MM-dd'. [size=7.5000pt]Before Hive 4.0.0, the time part of the date is ignored. [size=7.5000pt]As of Hive [size=7.5000pt]4.0.0, add_months supports an optional argument output_date_format, which accepts a String that represents a valid date format for the output. This allows to retain the time format in the output. [size=7.5000pt]For example : [size=7.5000pt]add_months('2009-08-31', 1) returns '2009-09-30'.[size=7.5000pt] [size=7.5000pt]add_months('2017-12-31 14:15:16', 2, 'YYYY-MM-dd HH:mm:ss') returns '2018-02-28 14:15:16'. [size=7.5000pt]增加月 |
[size=7.5000pt]string | [size=7.5000pt]last_day(string date) | [size=7.5000pt]Returns the last day of the month which the date belongs to (as of Hive [size=7.5000pt]1.1.0). date is a string in the format 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss' or 'yyyy-MM-dd'. The time part of date is ignored. [size=10.5000pt]当月最后一天 |
[size=7.5000pt]string | [size=7.5000pt]next_day(string start_date, string day_of_week) | [size=7.5000pt]Returns the first date which is later than start_date and named as day_of_week (as of Hive [size=7.5000pt]1.2.0). start_date is a string/date/timestamp. day_of_week is 2 letters, 3 letters or full name of the day of the week (e.g. Mo, tue, FRIDAY). The time part of start_date is ignored. Example: next_day('2015-01-14', 'TU') = 2015-01-20. [size=10.5000pt]返回给定日期第二天起,一周内指定周几的日期 |
[size=7.5000pt]string | [size=7.5000pt]trunc(string date, string format) | [size=7.5000pt]Returns date truncated to the unit specified by the format (as of Hive [size=7.5000pt]1.2.0). Supported formats: MONTH/MON/MM, YEAR/YYYY/YY. Example: trunc('2015-03-17', 'MM') = 2015-03-01. [size=10.5000pt]获取当年(yyyy)/月(MM)第一天 |
[size=7.5000pt]double | [size=7.5000pt]months_between(date1, date2) | [size=7.5000pt]Returns number of months between dates date1 and date2 (as of Hive [size=7.5000pt]1.2.0). If date1 is later than date2, then the result is positive. If date1 is earlier than date2, then the result is negative. If date1 and date2 are either the same days of the month or both last days of months, then the result is always an integer. Otherwise the UDF calculates the fractional portion of the result based on a 31-day month and considers the difference in time components date1 and date2. date1 and date2 type can be date, timestamp or string in the format 'yyyy-MM-dd' or 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'. The result is rounded to 8 decimal places. Example: months_between('1997-02-28 10:30:00', '1996-10-30') = 3.94959677 [size=10.5000pt]两日期相差多少月 |
[size=7.5000pt]string | [size=7.5000pt]date_format(date/timestamp/string ts, string fmt) | [size=7.5000pt]Converts a date/timestamp/string to a value of string in the format specified by the date format fmt (as of Hive [size=7.5000pt]1.2.0). Supported formats are Java SimpleDateFormat formats – [size=7.5000pt]https://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/text/SimpleDateFormat.html. The second argument fmt should be constant. Example: date_format('2015-04-08', 'y') = '2015'. [size=7.5000pt]date_format can be used to implement other UDFs, e.g.: [size=10.0000pt]· [size=7.5000pt]dayname(date) is date_format(date, 'EEEE') [size=10.0000pt]· [size=7.5000pt]dayofyear(date) is date_format(date, 'D') [size=7.5000pt]日期格式化 |
col |
[size=7.5000pt]A |
[size=7.5000pt]B |
[size=7.5000pt]C |
key | value |
[size=7.5000pt]A | [size=7.5000pt]10 |
[size=7.5000pt]B | [size=7.5000pt]20 |
[size=7.5000pt]C | [size=7.5000pt]30 |
pos | val |
[size=7.5000pt]0 | [size=7.5000pt]A |
[size=7.5000pt]1 | [size=7.5000pt]B |
[size=7.5000pt]2 | [size=7.5000pt]C |
col1 | col2 | col3 |
[size=7.5000pt]A | [size=7.5000pt]10 | [size=7.5000pt]2015-01-01 |
[size=7.5000pt]B | [size=7.5000pt]20 | [size=7.5000pt]2016-02-02 |
col0 | col1 | col2 |
[size=7.5000pt]A | [size=7.5000pt]10 | [size=7.5000pt]2015-01-01 |
[size=7.5000pt]B | [size=7.5000pt]20 | [size=7.5000pt]2016-01-01 |
Array<int> myCol |
[size=7.5000pt][100,200,300] |
[size=7.5000pt][400,500,600] |
(int) myNewCol |
[size=7.5000pt]100 |
[size=7.5000pt]200 |
[size=7.5000pt]300 |
[size=7.5000pt]400 |
[size=7.5000pt]500 |
[size=7.5000pt]600 |
Array<int> myCol |
[size=7.5000pt][100,200,300] |
[size=7.5000pt][400,500,600] |
(int) pos | (int) myNewCol |
[size=7.5000pt]1 | [size=7.5000pt]100 |
[size=7.5000pt]2 | [size=7.5000pt]200 |
[size=7.5000pt]3 | [size=7.5000pt]300 |
[size=7.5000pt]1 | [size=7.5000pt]400 |
[size=7.5000pt]2 | [size=7.5000pt]500 |
[size=7.5000pt]3 | [size=7.5000pt]600 |
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