% /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------
% This confidential and proprietary software may be only used as authorized
% by a licensing agreement from zjl ().
% In the event of publication, the following notice is applicable:
% Copyright (C) 2013-20xx zjl Corporation
% The entire notice above must be reproduced on all authorized copies.
% Author : zjl
% Technology blogs :
% Email Address : i540113104@gmail.com
% Filename : .m
% Data : 2018-12-30
% Description : 1.可以输入任意尺寸的图片,输出图片分辨率为320x256
% 2.输出rgb、灰度图像
% 3.生成txt文件,在modelsim仿真时使用
% 4.生成mif文件,在例化IP核时使用
% Modification History :
% Data By Version Change Description
% =========================================================================
% 30/12/18 zjl 1.0 Original
% -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/