2020-04-18 16:17:03,081 WARN [regionserver/xxx-BucketCacheWriter-1] bucket.BucketCache:Failed allocation for 604acc82edd349ca906939af14464bcb_175674734;
org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io.hfile.bucket.BucketAllocatorException: Allocation too big size=1114202; adjust BucketCache sizes hbase.bucketcache.bucket.sizes to accomodate if size seems reasonable and you want it cached.
* Allocate a block with specified size. Return the offset
* @param blockSize size of block
* @throws BucketAllocatorException
* @throws CacheFullException
* @return the offset in the IOEngine
public synchronized long allocateBlock(int blockSize) throws CacheFullException,
BucketAllocatorException {
assert blockSize > 0;
BucketSizeInfo bsi = roundUpToBucketSizeInfo(blockSize);
if (bsi == null) {
throw new BucketAllocatorException("Allocation too big size=" + blockSize +
"; adjust BucketCache sizes " + BlockCacheFactory.BUCKET_CACHE_BUCKETS_KEY +
" to accomodate if size seems reasonable and you want it cached.");
long offset = bsi.allocateBlock();
// Ask caller to free up space and try again!
if (offset < 0)
throw new CacheFullException(blockSize, bsi.sizeIndex());
usedSize += bucketSizes[bsi.sizeIndex()];
return offset;
* Round up the given block size to bucket size, and get the corresponding
* BucketSizeInfo
public BucketSizeInfo roundUpToBucketSizeInfo(int blockSize) {
for (int i = 0; i < bucketSizes.length; ++i)
if (blockSize <= bucketSizes[i])
return bucketSizeInfos[i];
return null;