abstract class Student
public abstract void study();
public void sleep()
System.out.println("sleep in night on the bed!");
class BaseStudent extends Student
public void sutdy()
System.out.println("base study!");
public void sleep()
System.out.println("sleep in day on the chair!");
class AdvStudent extends Student
public void sutdy(){
System.out.println("adv study!");
public void sleep()
System.out.println("sleep in day on the chair in classroom!");
class DoStudent
public void dosomething(Student stu)
public class StudentTest
public static void main(String[] args)
//BaseStudent bs = new BaseStudent();
//AdvStudent as = new AdvStudent();
DoStudent ds = new DoStudent();
ds.dosomething(new BaseStudent());
ds.dosomething(new AdvStudent());
编译提示BaseStudent和AdvStudent is not abstract and does not override abstract method study() in Student
为什么呢?怎么解决? 谢谢啦!作者: 刘忠德 时间: 2011-12-26 16:30
public void sutdy()是不是拼写错误了~~?作者: 于冰 时间: 2011-12-26 16:34
谢谢楼上滴~~作者: 于冰 时间: 2011-12-26 16:34 本帖最后由 iceeyes992 于 2011-12-26 16:36 编辑