#用户入口 # Author: Mr.Xue # 2019.10.21 import ast #shop_list = [['apple', 100], ['banana', 100], ['milk', 200], ['water', 100], ['iphone', 4000]] thing_file = 'thing.txt' buy_file = 'buylist_salary.txt' buy_list = [] salary_list = [] salary = '' thing_f = open(thing_file, 'r') thing_info = thing_f.read() thing_info_list = ast.literal_eval(thing_info) thing_f.close() buy_f = open(buy_file, 'r') buy_info = buy_f.read() if buy_info == '': salary = input("input you salary:") else: buy_list = ast.literal_eval(buy_info) buy_f.close() salary = buy_list[0][1] while not salary.isdigit(): salary = input("input you salary:") else: salary = int(salary) while True: # i = 1 # for x in shop_list: # print(i, x) # i += 1 for index, item in enumerate(thing_info_list): print(index+1, item) num = input("input which one you want buy: ") #print(shop_list[int(num)-1]) if not num.isdigit(): if num == 'q': print('you have bought:') for x in buy_list: print(x) print('your balance have left: ', salary) salary_list.append('salary') salary_list.append(str(salary)) buy_list.insert(0, salary_list) buy_list.append(['']) buy_f = open(buy_file, 'w') buy_f.write(str(buy_list)) buy_f.close() break else: print('please input "q" or num...') else: if int(num) <= len(thing_info_list) and int(num) > 0: if salary < int(thing_info_list[int(num)-1][1]): print("your balance is not enough...") else: buy_list.append(thing_info_list[int(num)-1]) #print(shop_list[int(num)-1], buy_list) salary -= int(thing_info_list[int(num)-1][1]) print('you have buy %s, and you balance have left \033[31;1m%d\033[0m' % (thing_info_list[int(num)-1][0], salary)) else: print('the thing is not exit...') #商家入口 # Author: Mr.Xue # 2019.10.21 import ast caozuo = ['modify', 'delete', 'insert'] file_name = 'thing.txt' f = open(file_name, 'r+') info = f.read() info_list = ast.literal_eval(info) f.close() while True: i = 1 for x in caozuo: print(i, x) i += 1 choice = input('input your choice(1-3): ') while True: if choice.isdigit(): if int(choice) == 1: # modify for j, x in enumerate(info_list): print('\t', j+1, x) choice2 = input('\tinput which one you want modify: ') if choice2.isdigit(): modify_price = int(input('\tinput the modify price: ')) info_list[int(choice2)-1][1] = modify_price elif choice2 == 'q': break else: print('\tInvalid input...') elif int(choice) == 2: # delete for j, x in enumerate(info_list): print('\t', j+1, x) choice3 = input('\tinput which one you want delete: ') if choice3.isdigit(): del info_list[int(choice3)-1] elif choice3 == 'q': break else: print('\tInvalid input...') elif int(choice) == 3: # insert thing_name = input("\tinput the thing's name you want insert: ") if thing_name == 'q': break thing_price = int(input("\tinput the thing's price: ")) function(){ //外汇MT4教程 http://www.kaifx.cn/mt4.html list1 = [] list1.append(thing_name) list1.append(thing_price) info_list.append(list1) else: print('Invalid value...') elif choice == 'q': f = open(file_name, 'r+') f.write(str(info_list)) f.close() print('you choice exit...') exit() else: print('please input digit...') #buylist_salary.txt [['salary', '4500'], ['salary', '8500'], ['apple', 200], ['banana', 100], ['milk', 200], [''], ['iphone', 4000], ['']] #thing.txt [['apple', 200], ['banana', 100], ['milk', 200], ['water', 100], ['iphone', 4000]]