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Latest Journal EntryAugust 9, 2011Well im back kinda sorta,Apple iPod nano dropship. I mean im here to write one story and one story only i kinda missed it here i know nobody missed me but whatever(:
Love all of you hope you enjoy my stories now that im back
I have a JBFF. That's were i write now. User name Bieberssbabee, go check that out.
People really like my writing on there. Ugh i got 23 reviews for one of my stories called Beauty Queen which i recently finished today actually. Can't you tell how much i grew up,Apple iphone 5 dropshipper? Being on her when i have 13 was a bad idea haha!
I'm fifteen now and ready to post! I mean i made this like last year so it would make me 14 but i used a different account so im 15 (; Make sense? No whatever haha!!
I know i have a lot to write but i guess ill just hold it off. I'm still on polyvore to check me out. My new username is
Biebersbeliebers (Only because polyvore mad eme change my old one)
I still kinda sorta use my tumblr so go follow me.
Candii-booluvsyuh,Cheap iphone 5 Sale Online.tumblr.com.
Like i said before i hope you enjoy the story im writing on here. Just a heads up its like a play type writing. So it has.
Alana: Blah blah blah
Like that only cause my first EVER story written on here was like that and i just wanna remember my days when i couldn't write or spell haha,cheap iphone 5s!
I grew up so much on here. Yes i am still a HUGE Bieber fan so no worries about that haha,TV form china! But my music kinda changed.
I'm a really big Paramore fan now. I like Drake, Nicki Minaj. Things like that as well. Does anyone watch Teen Mom and Degrassi still? I do (;
I have so much to say its crazy! Who watched the TCA's last night? JB looked extra hot!
Oh who likes Jelena? I HATE THEM,Wholesale Mac mini for sale!! No im not jealous of Selena i never was a fan of Selena so don't tell me its because of that haaha! But i do think Selena is a very pretty young women! I'm so proud of Demi Lovato! Did i tell you im still a fan of the JoBros? Haha sue me!
I'm in love with the song Skyscraper♥
Wow i did change a lot haha! I miss my Quizilla buddies :/ They all moved on and now they don't talk to me sad (Tear, tear) Maybe i can make some new ones! I miss coming on here and seeing i have like 5 messages waiting for me haha!
I only come on here to read Maybe, Just Maybe by Nymphadora123 cause honestly that's a stories worth reading!
Okay since i wrote a lot!!! I'm gonna go just hope we can keep in touch like we use to! Read my stories and ugh yeah much love
Xxx Candace (justinDbieber)

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