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© zydandqq 初级黑马   /  2014-7-3 19:37  /  690 人查看  /  0 人回复  /   0 人收藏 转载请遵从CC协议 禁止商业使用本文

thinking inJava中有如下代码,但是输出结果有点不清楚
//: Beetle.java
// The full process of initialization.
class Insect {
int i = 9;
int j;
Insect() {
prt("i = " + i + ", j = " + j);
j = 39;
static int x1 =
prt("static Insect.x1 initialized");
static int prt(String s) {
return 47;

public class Beetle extends Insect {
int k = prt("Beetle.k initialized");
Beetle() {
prt("k = " + k);
prt("j = " + j);
static int x2 =
prt("static Beetle.x2 initialized");
static int prt(String s) {
return 63;
public static void main(String[] args) {
prt("Beetle constructor");
Beetle b = new Beetle();
} ///:~
static Insect.x initialized
static Beetle.x initialized
Beetle constructor
i = 9, j = 0
Beetle.k initialized
k = 63
j = 39

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