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3.1 跨平台三维图形开发工具包Java 3D


Java 3D严格遵循“建模-绘制”泛型。场景图(scene graph)的 抽象模型被用来组织和维护虚拟场景中的可是对象及其行为。场景图包含了虚拟图形世界的全部信息,Java 3D绘 制引擎会对场景图进行自动绘制。

Java 3D is a scene graph-based 3D application programming interface (API) for the Java platform. It runs on top of either OpenGL or Direct3D. Since version 1.2, Java 3D is developed under the Java Community Process. JSR 926 specifies Java 3D 1.4; as of 2007, the current version is 1.5.1 (released in June 2007).

Compared to other solutions, Java 3D is not only a wrapper around these graphics APIs, but an interface that encapsulates the graphics programming using a real, object-oriented concept. Here a scene is constructed using a scene graph that is a representation of the objects that have to be shown. This scene graph is structured as a tree containing several elements that are necessary to display the objects. Additionally, Java 3D offers extensive spatialized sound support.

Java 3D and its documentation are availa

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范宗斌 来自手机 中级黑马 2015-10-22 10:27:57
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