#include <stdio.h>
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
int num1,num2;
printf("please enter two numbers:\n");
printf("the remainder which use %d to divide %d is %d.\n",num1,num2,num1%num2);
return 0;
9. 用户输入矩形的长和宽,求出矩形的面积和周长,并将结果显示在屏幕上.
面积: 长*宽 周长 (长+宽)*2
#include <stdio.h>
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
double length, wide;
double area, perimeter;
printf("please enter the length and wide of a orthogon.\n");
area = length * wide;
perimeter = 2* (length + wide);
printf("the area of the orthogon is %.2lf, the perimeter of the orthogon is %.2lf.\n",area,perimeter);
return 0;