今天在stackexchange上看到一篇非常有趣的帖子,是关于如何用各种编程语言实现 2 + 2 = 5 的,2 + 2怎么会等于5呢?我一开始也很不解,不过看了下面各种编程语言实现的方法,我震惊了,让我又一次相信人类真是一种不可思议的生物。
1、JAVAimport java.lang.reflect.Field; public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
Class cache = Integer.class.getDeclaredClasses()[0];
Field c = cache.getDeclaredField(“cache”);
Integer[] array = (Integer[]) c.get(cache);
array[132] = array[133]; System.out.printf(“%d”,2 + 2);
输出: 5 2、Cint main() {
char __func_version__[] = “5″; // For source control
char b[]=”2″, a=2;
printf(“%d + %s = %s\n”, a, b, a+b);
return 0;
} 3、C (Linux, gcc 4.7.3)#include <stdio.h> int main(void)
int a=3, b=2; printf(“%d + %d = %d”, –a, b, a+b);
} 4、Haskellλ> let 2+2=5 in 2+2
VDU 23,52,254,192,252,6,6,198,124,0
PRINT “2+2=”;2+2
PRINT “2+3=”;2+3 6、Python>>> patch = ‘\x312\x2D7′
>>> import ctypes;ctypes.c_int8.from_address(id(len(patch))+8).value=eval(patch)
>>> 2 + 2
5 7、JavaScriptg = function () {
H = 3
return H + H
} f = function () {
Η = 2
return Η + H
} // 3 + 3 = 6
// 2 + 2 = 5
alert(f()) 8、Bashv=2 #v is 2
v+=2 #v is 4
v=$(($v*5)) #v is 20
v=$(($v-16)) #v is 4
v=$(bc<<<”sqrt($v)+2″) #v is 4 (sqrt(4) is 2)
v=$(bc<<<”$v/4+3″) #v is 4 (4/4 = 1)
echo ’2+2=’ $v #So v is 4…? 9、PHPecho ’2 + 2 = ‘ . (2 + 2 === 4 ? 4 : 2 + 2 === 5 ? 5 : ‘dunno’); 10、Perl# Generic includes
use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.010;
use Acme::NewMath; # Ok, time to begin the real program.
if (2 + 2 == 5) {
say 5;
else {
say “Dunno…”;
} 11、C#static void Main(string[] args)
var x = 2;
var y = 2; if (1 == 0) ;
} Console.WriteLine(x + y);
} 12、C++#include <iostream> class Int
Int(const int& a) : integ(a) {} friend std:: ostream& operator<<(std :: ostream& oss, const Int& rhs)
return oss << rhs.integ;
int operator+(Int o)
if(integ == 2 && o.integ == 2)
return integ+o.integ+1;
return integ+o.integ;
} private:
int integ;
}; int main()
Int two = 2;
std::cout << two << ” + ” << two << ” = ” << two + two;