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Megalo Box 是一部为了纪念《明日之丈》五十周年的一部原创动漫,讲述了男主角Joe对Megalo Mox的执着与热爱。
起初,这部番没有我想像的那么火,在四月推荐中我也没有将其放入追番表。通过某用爱发电up主的推荐,我开始接触Megalo Mox。
第一集中,我能从这部番近未来的时间设定上感受到一股复古风。从地下拳击场机甲的撞击声,再到声优的沧桑与BGM的燃爆,我感受到了地下的潮湿与拳击手的热血。那一刻起,Megalo Box以深深地烙印到我的心中。
Megalo Box的BGM不仅出色,而剧情也意外的跌宕起伏,让人有一种身临其境的感觉,让我感受到的不仅仅是一部番,更是一种文化,一种精神。
愿Megalo Box像《明日之丈》般辉煌。
/*Look,just the air around him
An aura surrounding the heir apparent
He might be a peasant but shine like grand royalty
He to the people and land,loyalty
We witness above all to hear this
Sea sickness in the ocean of wikedness
Set sail to the sun set no second guessing
Far east style with the spirit of wild west
The "quote-unquote"code stands the test of
Time for the chosen ones to find the best of
Noble minds that ever graced the face of
A hemisphere with no fear,fly over
The sky meets no eye
And became a man to serve the world
To save the day , the night , and the girl too
Some days , some nights
Some live,some die
In the way of the samurai
Some fight , some bleed
Sun up to sun down
The sons of a battlecry
Some days , some nights
Some live , some die
In the way of the samurai
Some fight,some bleed
Sun up to sun down
The sons of a battlecry
a battlecry   **/

3 个回复

蓉妹妹 来自手机 中级黑马 2018-5-30 15:32:38
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治愈系法师 来自手机 初级黑马 2018-5-31 00:00:06
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