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首先摘自 https://stackoverflow.com/questi ... nt16821903_12500284 的一句话:

\A means "start of string", and \z means "end of string".
You might have seen ^ and $ in this context, but their meaning can vary: If you compile a regex using Pattern.MULTILINE, then they change their meaning to "start of line" and "end of line". The meaning of \A and \z never changes.
There also exists \Z which means "end of string, before any trailing newlines", which is similar to what $ does in multiline mode (where it matches right before the line-ending newline character, if it's there).
然后查看源码知道useDelimiter 下面的实现使用的是Pattern,参考文章得知:


Boundary matchers
^The beginning of a line
$The end of a line
\bA word boundary
\BA non-word boundary
\AThe beginning of the input
\GThe end of the previous match
\ZThe end of the input but for the final terminator, if any
\zThe end of the input

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