7GB RAM free required
20GB Disk free required
如果电脑配置不满足,会提示资源不足。 请进到eos/scripts/路径,修改对应的sh文件,找到Your system must have 7 or more Gigabytes of physical memory installed字样,或者You must have at least %sGB of available storage to install EOSIO,将后面的exit 1命令去掉,或者将判断语句全部注释掉,即可。
2- 编译时间在20-30分钟
3- 目前eosio支持的操作系统
Amazon 2017.09 and higher.
Centos 7.
Fedora 25 and higher (Fedora 27 recommended).
Mint 18.
Ubuntu 16.04 (Ubuntu 16.10 recommended).
MacOS Darwin 10.12 and higher (MacOS 10.13.x recommended).