A股上市公司传智教育(股票代码 003032)旗下技术交流社区北京昌平校区




© 黄宽 中级黑马   /  2014-10-13 06:44  /  2168 人查看  /  1 人回复  /   0 人收藏 转载请遵从CC协议 禁止商业使用本文

create table department_24(department_id number(8),department_name varchar(20),
                           manager_id number(8),local_address varchar(20));
create table department_24_temp(department_id,department_name) as select department_id,department_name from department_24;

create table department_24_temp as select department_id,department_name from department_24;
create table department_24_temp as select * from department_24;

create salary_level(grade_level varchar(8),lowest_sal number(8,2),highest_sal number(8,2));

alter table department_24_temp add(manager_id number(8),local_address number(8));
alter table department_24_temp modify(local_address varchar(20));
alter table department_24_temp drop(local_address);
rename department_24_temp to renam;

drop table renam;

select object_type from user_objects;
select table_name from user_tables;

--not null/unique/primary key
create table department_24(department_id number(8) constraint 部门编号不能为空 not null,department_name varchar(20),
                           manager_id number(8),local_address varchar(20),
                           constraint dept_24_unique unique(department_id),
                           constraint dept_24_pri_key primary key(department_id));

create table employee_24(employee_id number(8),employee_name varchar(20),hire_date date,job_name varchar(20),
                         salary number(8,2),commisson_pct number(2,2),department_id number(8),manager_id number(8),
                         constraint emp_dept_24 foreign key(department_id) references department_24(department_id),
                         constraint emp_sal_24 check(salary >2000));

alter table employee_24 add constraint emp_24_pri primary key(employee_id);
alter table employee_24 modify(employee_name not null);

--alter emp_sql_24 disable;

alter table employee_24 drop constraint emp_sal_24;
alter table department_24 drop primary key cascade;

create index emp_salary_24_idx
on employee_24(salary);
drop index emp_salary_24_idx ;

create public synonym e_24 for employee_24;
drop public synonym e_24;

create sequence hospital_people_total
minvalue -1
maxvalue 999999999999999999999999999
start with 0
increment by 1;

select hospital_people_total.nextval from dual;
select hospital_people_total.currval from dual;

create or replace view emp_1(employee_id, employee_name, salary)
  as select employee_id, employee_name, salary from employee where department_id = 1;

create or replace view emp_3(department_name,manager_id, employee_id, employee_name, salary)
  as select d.department_name, d.manager_id,e.employee_id, e.employee_name, e.salary
     from employee e , department d where d.department_id = 2
  with read only;

create or replace view emp_dept_1(minsalary,maxsalary,avgsalary)
select min(salary) a,max(salary) b,avg(salary) c
    from employee e, department d
    where d.department_id = 1 and d.department_id = e.department_id
    with read only;

select employee_name,salary,job_name, rownum
from (select employee_name,salary,job_name from employee order by salary )--行内视图
where rownum<=3;

insert into department_24(department_id, department_name) values(3,'工程部');
insert into department_24 values(4,'网络部',null,null);
insert into department_24 values(&department_id,&department_name,&manager_id,&local_address);

update employee_24 set salary = 5555.55, commission_pct = .33;

--delete 暂时删除数据
delete department_24 where department_id > 3
--truncate 永久删除数据(DDL)
truncate table employee_24;

merge into department_24_copy copy
using department_24 src
on(src.department_id = copy.department_id) --比较字段
when matched then
  update set department_name = src.department_name,
             manager_id = src.manager_id,
             local_address = src.local_address
when not matched then
  insert values(src.department_id,src.department_name,src.manager_id,src.local_address);

set autocommit on;
delete department_24 where department_id>3;
savepoint undo1;
delete department_24_angel;
savepoint undo2;
rollback to undo1;

create user chenlong identified by draglong default tablespace users temporary tablespace temp;
grant connect,resource,dba to test;

* select
select employee_name,salary,salary *12 from emmployee;
select employee_name ||'的职位为:= ' || job_name from employee;
select salary,commisson_pct,employee_name||'的年终奖金为:='||salary * (1+commisson_Pct) from employee;
select salary 薪水,commisson_pct 奖金百分比,employee_name||'的年终奖金为:='||salary * (1+commisson_Pct) 年终奖 from employee;

select employee_name, job_name, salary from employee where salary > 5500;
--between ..and
select employee_name, salary from employee where salary between 4000 and 6000;
select employee_name, salary from employee where salary in (4444, 6000);
select employee_name, salary from employee where job_name like '%架构师';
select employee_name,job_name, salary from employee where job_name like '软件%';
select employee_name,job_name, salary from employee where job_name like '软件___';

select employee_name, job_name, salary from employee where commisson_pct is  null and job_name <>'战斗大师';

--order by
select employee_name,salary,hire_date from employee order by salary,hire_date desc,employee_id;

select employee_name,concat(employee_name,concat('的职位: ',job_name)) a, length(employee_name) b
from employee where lower(employee_name)= 'xusanduo';
select employee_name,concat(employee_name,concat('的职位: ',job_name)) a, length(employee_name) b
from employee where employee_name= UPPER('xusanduo');

select sysdate from dual;
alter session set nls_language='simplified chinese';
alter session set nls_language='american';
select employee_name ||'的入职时间为:='||to_char(hire_date,'YYYY"年"MM"月"DD"日"') from employee;
select concat(employee_name,concat('的入职时间为:=',to_char(hire_date,'YYYY"年"MM"月"DD"日"'))) from employee;
select employee_name ||'的入职时间为:='||to_char(hire_date,'YYYY"年"MM"月"DD"日"') from employee;
select employee_name ||'的入职时间为:='||to_char(hire_date,'YYYYTH"年"MMTH"月"DD"日"AMHH24:MI:SS') from employee;
select employee_name,to_char(salary,'00,999.99L') from employee;
select to_char('123456','99,999,999.99') from dual;
insert into employee values(122,'test',to_date('2008年03月28日','YYYY"年"MM"月"DD"日"'),null,null,null,null,null);

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