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7 Reasons to Smile
爱笑的女孩运气不会差 要微笑的7个理由
There can be plentyof reasons why you may have forgotten to smile. You may be under a lot ofstress in professional life or you may be busy overcoming personal issues. Hereare a few reasons you should regain your smile right away and get back to beinga happy person.
1. To make yourself look beautiful
Applying makeup,using cosmetics and going to the salon for beauty treatments can ensure only alimited amount of beauty on your face. Real happiness comes from within and itcan reflect on your face only through a smile. If you want to make yourself looknaturally attractive, you should smile and let the radiancebeam on your face.
2. To make others happy
One of the importantreasons why you should smile is to keep people around you happy. You don’t livein a vacuumbecause of which your behavior has a direct impact on other people.If you are smiling and radiant all the time, your behavior will be contagious.This will keep people around you happy and smiling too.
3. To keep yourself healthy
A smile generallyconnotesthat a person is happy. And happiness is one of the crucial elements tostaying healthy. Smiling can instantly put you in a good mood and positivelyimpact your mental well-being, which in turn controls your physical well-being.If you manage to have a good temperamentcontinuously, you are likely to keepyourself relatively healthy.
4. To be positive all the time
Positivity is avirtue that may or may not naturally occur in everyone. While some people haveinborn positivity, others may have to train their minds and cultivate it. Ifyou want to become a positive person, you should start by keeping a positivedemeanor. And the first step in doing that is to smile.
5. To be grateful for what you have
A person generallysmiles when he or she is content from within. If you are grateful for what youhave in life, it is a good enough reason for you to smile. Be content for thethings you possess in life as well as all the happiness you have received untilnow. If you want to show the world that you appreciate life in every way,smiling is the best way to show it.
6. To become more approachable
Being anapproachableperson will not only help you in your personal life but also inyour professional life. One of the common signs of an approachable person is asmiling face which looks inviting. If you flash a smile to everyone you meet,they will see you as a laid-back person who is easy to approach, talk to and befriends with.
7. To make more friends
If you have not beencarrying a smile on your face, you should do it right away because it mighthelp you to make more friends. When you want to strike conversations withrandom people or get to know someone better, you have to come across as afriendly person who can be trusted. And a smile is an easy way to gain thatimage. Make the process of befriending people easier by smiling as often aspossible.

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