What does it feellike to be an average programmer among very talented ones? 我身边的同事都很优秀,我该怎么办? I am a very averageprogrammer in my company. I'm surrounded by some real geniuses who can writehundreds of lines of efficient code effortlessly in an hour while I take muchlonger and still write code that needs to be fine-tuned. I have a feeling that theyall think of me as a lesser being and think I'm not good enough behind my back. 我是我们公司一名普通的程序员。我周围的程序员都很优秀,他们编程总是又快又好,而我编程既不快又不好。我觉得他们在背地里觉得我不够好。 用户 Mattias Petter Johansson: There is a sayingamong jazz musicians:"If you're not the worst musician in your band, youshould immediately switch bands." 有一个关于爵士乐音乐家的金句:“如果你在自己的乐队中不是最差的音乐家,你应该马上换一个乐队。” I work at Spotify. Ifeel like a piece of shit programmer almost every day. I didn't at my lastworkplace. So I left and started at Spotify. 我在Spotify工作。作为一名程序员,我每天都觉得自己是一坨狗屎。但在我之前工作的地方,我并没有这种感觉。所以我辞职来到Spotify。 When the time comeswhen I no longer feel like a piece of shit programmer here, I'll quit and moveon to a place that can once again make me feel like piece of shit. 当我觉得自己在Spotify不像一坨狗屎时,我就会辞职然后去一个能让我觉得自己像一坨狗屎的地方。 This strategy hasworked out really well for me during my career. 在我的职业生涯中,这一招很管用。 用户 Yuan Jian: I heard a phraseonce, something like this: "There is no genius, only people who realizethis fact". 我曾听说:“世界上本没有天才,只是这样想的人多了,也便有了天才。” Those talents aroundyou are not born like that. Probably they started programming long before you.Remember to learn something new everyday, constantly summarize, reflect andimprove. You will be one of them one day, and probably much better. 你周围那些有才华的人并不是天生如此。也许他们比你更早学习编程。记住,温故知新才能有所提高。有一天你也会成为他们其中的一员,也许你会比他们还要优秀。 Remember to read alot of books. Look for the best ones. 记住多读书,向最优秀的人看齐。 All you need ispassion, perseverance and time. 你所需要的是激情、毅力和时间。 用户 Vineet Naik: Have you heard thesaying "Always be the worst musician in a band"? Being the worstmeans you are gaining experience working with people better than you. It helpsyou to "level up" faster since you are directly learning from peopleyou admire. I would say you are quite lucky to be surrounded by such people.Not many programmers have this privilege. 你听说过“要永远成为乐队里最差的音乐家”这句话没?成为最差的那个意味着同比你优秀的人一起工作,你能够获取很多工作经验。因为你能直接从你佩服的人身上学到东西,这样能帮助你提升自我。要我说,你能与这种人共事实在是太幸运了,不是所有的程序员都能有这种特权。 Here is some adviceto use this opportunity to your advantage. Don't waste your time thinking aboutwhat they must be talking about you or your code behind your back. If you feelyour code is sub-optimal, ask them for their review and be receptive to criticismsince you asked for it. If they are able to point out mistakes or show analternate method, compare it with your method and ask questions until you areconvinced why theirs is obviously better. 我有一些建议给你。不要浪费时间去想他们在背地里对你或者你的技术的看法。如果你觉得自己编出来的程序不够好,你可以要求他们帮你检查,然后接受他们给你的意见。如果他们能够指出你的错误,并且用另外一种方法来解决问题,拿他们的方法和你的进行比较,直到你明白他们为什么更优秀。 Also observe how theypractice programming and what makes them better than the average. 你也可以观察一下他们如何锻炼自己的编程能力以及是什么让他们脱颖而出