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What does it feellike to be an average programmer among very talented ones?
I am a very averageprogrammer in my company. I'm surrounded by some real geniuses who can writehundreds of lines of efficient code effortlessly in an hour while I take muchlonger and still write code that needs to be fine-tuned. I have a feeling that theyall think of me as a lesser being and think I'm not good enough behind my back.
用户 Mattias Petter Johansson:
There is a sayingamong jazz musicians:"If you're not the worst musician in your band, youshould immediately switch bands."
I work at Spotify. Ifeel like a piece of shit programmer almost every day. I didn't at my lastworkplace. So I left and started at Spotify.
When the time comeswhen I no longer feel like a piece of shit programmer here, I'll quit and moveon to a place that can once again make me feel like piece of shit.
This strategy hasworked out really well for me during my career.
用户 Yuan Jian:
I heard a phraseonce, something like this: "There is no genius, only people who realizethis fact".
Those talents aroundyou are not born like that. Probably they started programming long before you.Remember to learn something new everyday, constantly summarize, reflect andimprove. You will be one of them one day, and probably much better.
Remember to read alot of books. Look for the best ones.
All you need ispassion, perseverance and time.
用户 Vineet Naik:
Have you heard thesaying "Always be the worst musician in a band"? Being the worstmeans you are gaining experience working with people better than you. It helpsyou to "level up" faster since you are directly learning from peopleyou admire. I would say you are quite lucky to be surrounded by such people.Not many programmers have this privilege.
Here is some adviceto use this opportunity to your advantage. Don't waste your time thinking aboutwhat they must be talking about you or your code behind your back. If you feelyour code is sub-optimal, ask them for their review and be receptive to criticismsince you asked for it. If they are able to point out mistakes or show analternate method, compare it with your method and ask questions until you areconvinced why theirs is obviously better.
Also observe how theypractice programming and what makes them better than the average.

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