虽然代码多点,不过还是比较容易看懂的,主要注意多用group by分组好就可以了
下面是代码:- select 部门dep,
- (
- select 业绩yj from Table1 where 月份mon='一月份'
- and 部门dep=t1.部门dep
- group by 部门dep,业绩yj
- ) as 一月份,
- (
- select 业绩yj from Table1 where 月份mon='二月份'
- and 部门dep=t1.部门dep
- group by 部门dep,业绩yj
- ) as 二月份,
- (
- select 业绩yj from Table1 where 月份mon='三月份'
- and 部门dep=t1.部门dep
- group by 部门dep,业绩yj
- ) as 三月份
- from Table1 as t1
- group by 部门dep