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© REVEBAMBOU 初级黑马   /  2019-3-21 12:45  /  513 人查看  /  0 人回复  /   0 人收藏 转载请遵从CC协议 禁止商业使用本文

It has been more than 20 days since I went to IT Hei Ma special school and learned Java program language on 2.18, 2019. I found out it can be done that I though it is impossible for me to study Java. As time goes on, I found out it can be more interesting than I thought before.
  Years ago, about several years from now, I had been learnt C program langue during the period of my college. (But up to now, I almost forget anything of it. It should be learning Java program langue from 0.) Actually, at that time, I didn’t study well on it. At that time, I even didn’t understand the return type, the assignment operator or the self add operator. For example, I didn’t know the difference between the expressions “++I” and “i++”. In other words, I can not use them well during programming. And during learning the course, I didn’t use too much time to type codes on the computer. And at last, it results the bad result that I lost the confidence to learn it well.
As time goes on, I return to study the development programming again. Just as the words we known are said, c’est la vie. After get to our school, especially after learning Java, finally I figured out that how fool I were before. Here every is going well, and especially the M sensei is kind and keirei.
I believe I can learn well on Java program langue if I try my best to do it. Of course, I need to spend more time on studying it. Whatever the result is, I try my best ever, I never have a regret on it. Kui no nai jinsei wo ayumu koto no tameni… For your sake, perhaps…

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