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© 安日成 中级黑马   /  2015-4-28 22:43  /  3604 人查看  /  53 人回复  /   1 人收藏 转载请遵从CC协议 禁止商业使用本文

  First , please accept my apology for writing in English , cause I  want to get score, and at the same time speed up my skill of typewriting,one of the skills that I do think make sense in my future Programming life.
  At this moment ,it's the middle of night, but I can't fall into asleep. One month ago, I made my decision to learn Java in heima, I thought this would be kind of challenge for me ,since I have graduated for nearly 3 years, and do nothing to do with Programming, even in campus time,I was only be exposed to C for a short time,I have no idea,whether I could pass the Entrance test of heima. But at the very beginning, I have talk to myself,"Hey,man! You should do something to deserve the beauty of life."
  Just today mornimg ,I  finished my Blog,and applied for Entrance test , but I don't want to talk about the result. I would like to share with you guys about the thought-changing in my view.
  At first , I was motivated by the fun and high pay of programing ,so it would be easy for me to kick-off the journey. I still remeber , when i came with the concept of  Object-Oriented Programming, I was so confused ,because this is the someting that I have no connection with ,and when it encountered with Polymorphic,I was totally missing, cause I have no idea about overridea and the way to use them.It took me a lot of time to review and this  also made me to think of the way to learn English ,I was such a  poor student in English in middle school ,my process of geting improvement is to repeat and repeat ,finaly ,I got reflection ,even I don't know why this answer should be this one, I just read the sentence and the answer came out spontaneously. So, in spite of the tough of learning Java, I had calm down my self and tried to expose my world into Java as much as possible.
  The real benefit is when my peer and I set our foot in IO class ,with the advantage of my huge time_spending in  Polymorphic, I went  through the learning process with any delay while he been halted for several times to review previous learning .
  Even today ,I am still on the way to heima,I am still a new bird and still far away from Master ,I know ,what i need to do is just keep moving ,life is not about the end and the goal ,it's about the knowledge we got on the way .I still on the way , but I will keep my mind open ,keep learning and keep absorb all the info. I will got in the process and keep them in my private library ,and enrich my life.


Each day as the bud in early puberty,full of hope! I wish, your future will be come ture,sooner or later!  发表于 2015-4-28 23:36


参与人数 2技术分 +1 黑马币 +20 收起 理由
温暖的小白 + 20 很给力!
再見螢火蟲 + 1 英语写的很好呢 ,估计没几个看懂的.


53 个回复

本帖最后由 温暖的小白 于 2015-4-29 10:03 编辑

Each day as the bud in early puberty,full of hope! I wish, your future will be came ture,sooner or later!
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Where there's a will, there's a way!
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温暖的小白 发表于 2015-4-28 23:43
Each day as the bud in early puberty,full of hope! I wish, your future will be come ture,sooner or l ...



翻译得很不错嘛!  发表于 2015-4-29 10:04
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good good study, day day up
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come on! man!
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强子 黑马帝 2015-4-29 09:22:28
Come on!Keep moving!
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Oscars 中级黑马 2015-4-29 09:23:02
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Hey,man! You should do something to deserve the beauty of life.:victory:
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The unexamined life is not worth living.——Socrates ( share with you )
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oneyh 发表于 2015-4-29 08:44
good good study, day day up

Study hard and make progress every day.
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qian0217wei 发表于 2015-4-29 01:29
怎么感觉像是在写诗,英语不 ...

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这英语太牛  表示看不懂
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Keep moving !
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