本帖最后由 蜡笔children 于 2016-12-27 16:53 编辑
Merry Christmas and a happy newyear Best wishes on this holiday season We wish you a merry Christmas 载着欢乐的脚步,我们迎来了一年一度的三合一~~~~~ 哇哦!平安夜快乐~圣诞快乐~元旦快乐~ 每逢佳节倍思亲,在外的游子不会因为思念家乡而孤独 我们彼此相亲相爱,一样的成长一样的快乐, 让我们的温暖,去冲洗冲淡思乡之苦 节奏有点小快哟哈,老司机们慢着点哟 为了抢镜,下面的二位也是蛮拼的~~我就看看不说话哈~ 承载着帅气跟天然萌的气质,成功的吸引了众多人, 当然也秒杀了上面2位“秀恩爱的cp” A Christmas wish for my best friend A Christmas greeting to cheer you,my goodfriend Why don t we enjoy our holidays together? I hope we can spend the holidays together I hope this card reaches you in time for Christmas Take your passion and make it come true 祝~~~~亲爱的们在未来的日子里, 即使我们不在身边,也同样有不一波同样友爱的人, 愿亲爱的们, 在未来的日子里会更加保持着天真, 保持这份童心,保持着这份执着奋发前进!