本帖最后由 武汉分校-小舞 于 2016-3-18 17:42 编辑
~越努力,越幸福~ ~只打造年薪20W全能设计师~
| | iPhone 6 and iPhone 5 (@2x) | | | iPad 2 and iPad mini (@1x) | App icon
(required for all apps) | | | | | | App icon for the App Store
(required for all apps) | | | | | | Launch file or image
(required for all apps) | Use a launch file
(see Launch Images) | For iPhone 6, use a launch file
(see Launch Images)
For iPhone 5, 640 × 1136 | | 1536 × 2048 (portrait)
2048 × 1536 (landscape) | 768 × 1024 (portrait)
1024 × 768 (landscape) | Spotlight search results icon
(recommended) | | | | | | Settings icon
(recommended) | | | | | | Toolbar and navigation bar icon
(optional) | | | | | | | About 75 × 75
(maximum: 144 × 96) | About 50 × 50
(maximum: 96 × 64) | About 50 × 50
(maximum: 96 × 64) | About 50 × 50
(maximum: 96 × 64) | About 25 × 25
(maximum: 48 × 32) | Default Newsstand cover icon for the App Store
(required for Newsstand apps) | At least 1024 pixels on the longest edge | At least 1024 pixels on the longest edge | At least 1024 pixels on the longest edge | At least 1024 pixels on the longest edge | At least 512 pixels on the longest edge | Web clip icon
(recommended for web apps and websites) | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | iPad5/iPad Air/ipad mini 2 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | iPhone 6 and iPhone 5 (@2x) | | | iPad 2 and iPad mini (@1x) | App icon
(required for all apps) | | | | | | App icon for the App Store
(required for all apps) | | | | | | Launch file or image
(required for all apps) | Use a launch file
(see Launch Images) | For iPhone 6, use a launch file
(see Launch Images)
For iPhone 5, 640 × 1136 | | 1536 × 2048 (portrait)
2048 × 1536 (landscape) | 768 × 1024 (portrait)
1024 × 768 (landscape) | Spotlight search results icon
(recommended) | | | | | | Settings icon
(recommended) | | | | | | Toolbar and navigation bar icon
(optional) | | | | | | | About 75 × 75
(maximum: 144 × 96) | About 50 × 50
(maximum: 96 × 64) | About 50 × 50
(maximum: 96 × 64) | About 50 × 50
(maximum: 96 × 64) | About 25 × 25
(maximum: 48 × 32) | Default Newsstand cover icon for the App Store
(required for Newsstand apps) | At least 1024 pixels on the longest edge | At least 1024 pixels on the longest edge | At least 1024 pixels on the longest edge | At least 1024 pixels on the longest edge | At least 512 pixels on the longest edge | Web clip icon
(recommended for web apps and websites) | | | | | |
代表屏幕上一个物理的像素点代表屏幕上一个物理的像素点。 屏幕密度 为解决Android设备碎片化,引入一个概念DP,也就是密度。指在一定尺寸的物理屏幕上显示像素的数量,通常指分辨率。 为了简单起见,Android把屏幕密度分为了四个广义的大小:低(120dpi)、中(160dpi)、高(240dpi)和超高(320dpi) 像素= DP * ( DPI / 160 ) 例如,在一个240dpi的屏幕里,1DP等于1.5PX。
于设计来说,选取一个合适的尺寸作为正常大小和中等屏幕密度(尺寸的选取依据打算适配的硬件,建议参考现主流硬件分辨率),然后向下和向上 做小、大、特大和低、高、超高的尺寸与密度。
• 320dp:一个普通的手机屏幕(240X320,320×480,480X800)
• 480dp:一个中间平板电脑像(480×800)
• 600dp:7寸平板电脑(600×1024)
• 720dp:10寸平板电脑(720×1280,800×1280)
Windows XP任务栏的高度30px Windows 7任务栏的高度40px
安全分辨率为1024 × 768 px 可建议大分辨率为1280 × 800 px 综合分辨率及浏览器下的统计数据
网页宽度与首屏高度 安全宽度1002 px 可建议较大宽度1258 px Window XP首屏大小580 px Window 7 首屏大小710 px
更多教程请加QQ 1641907557后期会分享更多与实体班同步教程, |